Great care only happens with a great team
Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital (HGMH) is a rural Ontario community hospital that provides quality care in both official languages, and works with its partners to improve the health of communities in Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry and surrounding areas.
Our Strategic Plan
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values
Our Strategic Priorities
A message from the President & CEO
Welcome to Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital (HGMH). I officially began my role as President & CEO at HGMH on April 19th, 2022. I have come to know that the dedication of the staff, physicians and leaders is beyond compare. Our hospital is staffed with people who are here for you.
As a patient of HGMH, our team will care for you with compassion, integrity, and respect. In our hospital you are like our family. We want you to be safe and expertly cared for and if we can’t meet your care needs locally, our team of trained professionals will access the services you need in a seamless and timely way.
Our team are partners in your care, jointly involved in planning and decision making. We take our job so seriously that HGMH was selected through a highly competitive process to become pre-designated as a Best Practice Spotlight Organization with the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. What an achievement! You may be asking yourself, what does this mean for you? This means, over the next three years the provision of your care will include best practices in the following five areas:
• Preventing Falls & Reducing Injuries from Falls
• Alternative Approaches to the Use of Restraints
• Delirium, Dementia & Depression in Older Adults
• Care Transitions
• Person & Family Centred Care
Quite simply, you’ll be provided superior quality, safe care at HGMH.
The hospital has been caring for our community since 1965 when our doors opened in Alexandria. Much has changed in health care since 1965, but one thing that has never changed, is our dedication to our patients and their families. We have experienced many challenges over the last two years, despite the challenges that we’ve faced, we continue to move forward. This path forward will include setting new strategic priorities in the fall, focused on sustainable health care, here. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, we must be prepared, adaptable and have the ability to respond quickly. We look forward to advancing our strategic planning which will build on strong partnerships and continued focus on operational and financial stability.
We are committed to health and wellness here in North Glengarry.
Robert Alldred-Hughes
President and Chief Executive Officer
Leadership Team
Click here to view the Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital organizational structure.